Hi there,
My name is Brigitte Belle.
I'm an author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and incurable optimist that's dedicated to helping you live the life of your dreams.

For as long as I can remember...
I desired the freedom and ability to create a life that would allow me to live on my own terms.
And for the longest time... it didn't happen.
I was working myself to the bone feeling less like I was in the "rat race" and more like I was a hamster running on a hamster wheel: Spinning my wheels as fast as I could, but not getting anywhere.
I longed for something more...
Working three jobs and 60+ hours a week just wasn't cutting it for me anymore.
This didn't feel like living to me.
I knew deep down that there had to be another way.
Maybe you can relate?
You feel like you're here on earth for a higher purpose, but you don't know what that purpose is.
You know there's got to be more to life than making ends meet, or working in a dead end job that doesn't satisfy your soul.
Well, I have some good news for you...
You're in the right place.
The Programs That Build A Better Life:
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Slay Instagram: Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Following, Becoming an Influencer, and Making a Living Off of Social Media's Fastest Growing Platform
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The Rich Christian: A Biblical Understanding of Godly Wealth-Building for Heaven-on-Earth Living
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The Empowered Christian Bundle
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Spiritual Warfare 101 (How to Become a Spiritual Warrior Mini Course)
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Holy Spirit 101 (How to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit Mini Course)